Sports fans, not everyone cares what you're talking about

        Sports fans, not everyone cares what you're talking about
Whether you're kicking, tossing, hitting, catching or doing what not with a ball in a sport, then you are obviously focusing on your game and attempting to win. Yet if you're the one watching the game unfolding, whatever type of sport, you are focusing on the team that you're rooting for. Once the game is over and if your team won, congrats!!!!! The talk about sports should stay in the game time, pretty much what happens in the stadium stays in the stadium. If you and one other person decide to talk about sports at school across the room, everyone else in the class can hear, and everyone else does not care as they have most likely already gotten over the fact that their team won or lost. It seems to be that lately everyone goes on a social media frenzy after any type of sporting game occurs, which doesn't really seem to make sense as if they're not the one that played the game then why does it matter so much to these other people. Maybe it's how I'm not, nor have I ever been, involved with sports so I don't get the whole hype about it. But I still feel as though some fans take it to the extreme by getting tattoos or a large sticker on the side of their car, as that sports team essentially is only temporary and will probably change names and owners sooner or later. I guess I might  understand if someone had actually played on that sports team that they're talking about, as they have experienced it personally and emotionally. The whole super fan obsession is somewhat sad to watch in a way because they surround their whole life with a specific team or sport, so once that team/sport stops thriving then so does that super fan.

Image result for raiders black hole


  1. As someone who doesn't really care about sports, I find this extremely relatable. I am also quite interested to see what Mr. Maxwell will have to say about the points you make in this blog.

  2. I really agree with this. I find that whenever kids start talking about sports during class, I just completely tune out, which makes it harder for me to start paying attention again when they're done talking.


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