Merchants of Cool

                                         Merchants of Cool
    Our addiction to brands and trendy genres, especially for teens, has been growing and growing ever since we were introduced to those trying to market out their product. Which made a path for companies to use special types of lure-traps for teens to fall for their product. Every teen at some point wants to be the most popular or the one with the most attention from others, which can be achieved if you have the newest 'it' product. Whether that be clothes, electronics, cars, travel, beverages, and even food. The idea of having a name brand item proves to some, especially those who can't afford it, is meant to show off to others by being given this elite club status. Although that is seen as somewhat rude to intentionally put others down to bring yourself up is not uncommon in teens. As mostly everyone in their teen years tries to prove that they are the biggest and greatest out there. which involves being the one who drinks the most popular beverages, wears the trendiest and most expensive clothes, drives the most luxurious car, and especially surrounding yourself with others who do the same. Advertising companies target those who are usually at the top of the 'food-chain' by attempting to make them love their product, and if successful it creates a butterfly effect all throughout social groups and the media. 

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