One news story, Two outlets

One news story, two outlets

The coverage of Joe Biden's announcement that he'll run for president was covered in slightly different ways by two different media outlets: Fox news and NBC news. I read coverage of the event from both outlets and I noticed some slight differences in language that made the Fox news article appear to be slightly more critical of Joe Biden. For example, in describing Joe Biden's background, Fox news describes his two unsuccessful runs for president, whereas the NBC News article describes Joe Biden's current campaign simply as his "third bid for the presidency." Both articles mention Joe Biden's video announcement and his campaign themes of fighting for the soul of the nation. Both view points also mention President Trump's reaction to the announcement and his name-calling of Biden as "Sleepy Joe,". However, the Fox News article mentions Trump's reaction much earlier in its article than NBC News. The NBC News article talks about Joe Biden's history and also his support from Obama and others, before it mentions Trump's negative reactions.
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